Ads that i've concepted, and executed the creative Q2-2023.
Researching creatives that are currently working in social and also ensuring that said research aligns with the targeting for the Ad. Creating a creative Brief Concept Deck, that outlays the creative ideas, research/reasoning behind said ideas (if useful), headlines for targeting
executing the creative, whether it be stills, carousels, motion-graphics and gifs for emails;
Robin Golf

L: Simple swing concept. R: Still product showcase

L: Still Story Image from series including each club R: Female Focus, cheeky Ai Concept.
L: Comment concept - 1 comment focus | R: Comment concept - Multi
L: Female Focus - Cheat Code | R: Top 5 reasons my golf game improved. (Spoiler- they're all Robin Golf)
Client: Tinuiti
Brackish, Yohana, No Cow, Magna Tiles, Burpee